Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 1 (Yes, it Really Happened)

I surprised myself, and probably anyone else who knows me, and I actually attempted running today. As I was getting dressed for this adventure, I looked out the window and saw that the roof across the way was frosty. I went anyway. As soon as I took off though, I wished I would have thought to bring a tissue. So the whole way all I could really think about was I wish I could blow my nose. The book I have been consulting (Marathon Running for Dummies) says that you should either plan to use your sleeve to wipe your nose or practice the "open air" nose blow. Neither option seemed acceptable to me at this point. Perhaps I will change my mind later on.

So the run. My plan was to walk out my front door, keep walking for 2 minutes to get warmed up, then run as much as I could for 15 minutes and turn around for home. Out of a 30 minute exercise, I ran for a total of about 7 minutes. I am out of shape. My shins were hurting so bad! The book says I'm not supposed to stretch before I run but I really think that would have helped. I had to stop for a minute to flex my feet to try to get the pain to stop, and then I walked for several minutes.

The other obstacle - it was freakin' cold! It must have been about 35 degrees this morning as I was out there. The air was stinging my cheeks and my throat, and it was making my nose runny (I already covered that part). I think I need to wear gloves and probably long pants. Yes, I was wearing yoga pants since that is the only kind of exercise pants I own. Perhaps I should sport the short pant with knee high argyles tomorrow?

In all, I think I made it between 1.5 and 2 miles. And it wasn't all bad. I have driven that road a thousand times but I have never really seen it. Turns out it is a nice road. Can't wait to really see what is further down.

While I was feeling intense doubt that I will be ready for 13.1 miles in 9 months, I know that today was just my starting point. The place from where I measure my progress. And maybe I won't be ready to run in this marathon. Or perhaps I will have to run/walk it. It doesn't really matter, I'm still going to try.

1 comment:

  1. Yay you! I'm completely impressed that you're doing this. You'll absolutely be ready in 9 months. Keep going!
